• Identifying Appliances That Should Have a Dedicated Circuit

    When your residential electrician creates a new wiring plan for your home, he will typically include several dedicated circuits . Your dedicated circuits are designed to provide additional power to certain types of appliances. With services from a residential electrician in San Jose, you will be able to figure out which of your appliances need dedicated circuits in order to be safely connected to your breaker box. After your dedicated circuits have been created, you will be able to use your appliances with confidence.

    There are a few types of appliances that almost always require dedicated circuits. Washing machines, dishwashers, and clothes dryers are all examples of appliances that use enough power to need their own circuits. These dedicated circuits include grounding features and other safety devices that will prevent your appliances from overloading your electrical system. In order to ensure that your electrical system complies with national electrical code, you may need to install several dedicated circuits throughout each area of your home.

    washing - machine

  • Electrical Safety Tips for Homeowners

    Electricity keeps your lights on and your appliances working, but it can also be dangerous in certain situations. Electrical problems can result in serious damage and injury, so you should understand how to keep yourself and your family safe when it comes to electrical wiring in San Jose. It’s a good idea to develop a relationship with your residential electrician and have him or her come over to check out your electrical wiring on a routine basis. You should also understand how to deal with issues like electrical fires, and check up on your electrical outlets from time to time. Here’s a closer look at these electrical safety tips for homeowners. Electrical Safety Tips in San Jose

    Undergo Regular Inspections

    If you want to make sure that your electrical work is set up properly and not posing a threat to you or your family, you should remember to have your residential electrician come over and check out your systems on a regular basis. It’s a good idea to have your electrician come over at least once per year to ensure that your electrical setup is in decent shape. This can also help you catch on to problems before they become severe, which can save you time, money, and even injuries in the long run.

    Know How to Deal with an Electrical Fire

    Nobody expects to deal with an electrical fire, but you should know how to in case you end up experiencing one. When confronted with a fire, many people’s first reaction is to find water. When it comes to an electrical fire, however, water is not what you need. Water is a conductor of electricity, so it can end up making the problem worse instead of better. If you find yourself dealing with an electrical fire, call the fire department as well as your electrician.

    Check on Your Outlets

    People interact with outlets every day, but faulty outlets can be quite dangerous. This is why it’s wise to touch your outlets every once in a while to see if they’re hot. If they are, you should waste no time in calling your electrician to avoid an electrical fire.

  • FAQs About Commercial Electrical Safety Inspections

    Just like your residential electrical systems, your commercial electric near San Jose should be kept as safe as possible. In order to do this, you’ll need your commercial electrician to conduct a safety inspection. This process can help your workers and your customers remain safe and secure on your premises, and it can also help save your business money. A safety inspection is also an important aspect of staying up to code and complying with local regulations. Keep reading for more on these FAQs about commercial electrical safety inspections. FAQs of commercial electrical safety inspections

    How can an inspection improve safety?

    Not everyone is trained to recognize electrical hazards, which is why your commercial electrician is an integral part of your business’ safety. Your commercial electrician will know exactly what kinds of problems to look for, and he or she can help you prevent them from occurring. You have to consider the needs and safety of a few different groups of people when you run a business, from your staff to the customers who help your business stay afloat. Commercial electrical safety inspections will ensure that your systems are functioning properly and not posing a threat to your employees or your patrons.

    Can it save my business money?

    When you undergo a commercial electrical safety inspection, you get the opportunity to recognize problems with your electrical system before they escalate. It’s much cheaper to prevent a problem than to have your electrician repair it once the damage has been done, so in this way an electrical safety inspection can save your business money. This responsible forethought can free up your finances and offer you some added flexibility, which is always welcome as a business owner.

    Will it keep me up to code?

    When you run a business, it’s important that you meet all of the local rules and regulations. If you want to keep your business up to code, you can have your commercial electrician provide you with an electrical safety inspection. In addition to creating a safer environment for everyone involved, staying up to code will protect the reputation of your company and help avoid legal issues.

  • What Homeowners Should Know About Their Electrical System

    Whether you are a first time homeowner or you have been living in your current residence for many years, it is important to make sure that you understand how your property’s electrical system works. By learning basic information about your electrical panel, breaker box, and other systems, you will have a better idea of when you need to hire an electrician serving San Jose . Let’s review some basic information that all homeowners need to know about their electrical systems. Electrical systems that homeowners needs to know by Delta Electric

    Main Breaker Panel

    The main electrical supply for your home enters your property through the main breaker panel. After the electrical current passes through your meter, it reaches the breaker so that it can transferred to the various circuits that power your house. The main breaker is located inside your home, and is designed to switch off when a surge in power is detected. In the event of an electrical emergency in your home, you may need to manually turn off the switch that is located in your main breaker.

    Circuit Breakers

    Once you have identified your main breaker, you will be able to easily find your circuit breakers. Typically, your circuit breakers will be located directly next to the main breaker panel. Each switch in the circuit breaker is connected to a specific room or area of the house. When a room in your house suddenly loses power, a tripped circuit breaker may be the cause. Flipping the specific circuit back to the on position could restore power to the affected area.


    In order to protect you and your loved ones from electrical accidents, your home will also be equipped with devices that are called GFCIs. GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt, and your GFCIs can help to ensure that you and your loved ones are not in danger of getting shocked. The GFCI is designed to immediately shut off the electricity to an outlet if it senses an overload. Typically, GFCIs are installed directly within the outlets of a home.

  • How to Easily Label Your Breaker Box

    Before you embark on an electrical project in your home, you will need to turn off the appropriate switches in your breaker box. This video demonstrates how to create labels in a standard breaker box. To label your breaker box, you can test to see which switches control each area of your home. A team of electricians in San Jose can help you test, label, and maintain the breaker box in your home.

    If you are having electrical issues on your property, be sure to hire a certified electrician. Electrical repairs can be dangerous if they are not performed by a trained and experienced professional. With help from your electrician, you can ensure that your breaker box, wiring, and outlets are functioning safely.

  • What Business Owners Should Know About Commercial Electrical Maintenance

    There are many responsibilities that you face as a business owner, and one important responsibility is ensuring the proper function of your building’s electrical system. The following are a few of the things that your commercial electrician in San Jose would want you to know about electrical maintenance for your property : office - electrical

    Periodic safety inspections are essential.

    No matter the age of your building or your type of business, scheduling an electrical safety inspection now and then is a must. Also, having a commercial electrician take a look at the electrical wiring before you move into a new building can help ensure that there are no problems with things like the electrical panels and underground wiring. Regularly having an electrician ensure that your building’s wiring is in good shape can help reduce hazards and protect your electrical system from damage and the need for costly repairs.

    Some buildings need new wiring.

    To help protect the safety of your team, as well as prevent damage to your property, it’s important to know whether your business needs rewiring. Having an insufficient number of outlets, an obsolete or malfunctioning circuit breaker, or the presence of old, ungrounded, cloth-insulated, or aluminum-containing wiring are all indications that your building could benefit from rewiring services. Having your building rewired can help ensure the ongoing safety of your employees and better electrical service capacity for your business.

    Breaker and fuse replacements should be left to professionals.

    It’s not uncommon for someone who has worked on a residential breaker box to assume that updating or repairing a commercial one requires the same levels of electrical knowledge, skills, and experience. However, the breaker boxes installed in commercial buildings tend to be more complicated than those used in residences. For this reason, it’s important to contact a commercial electrician about things like breaker and fuse replacement, rather than try to tackle the job yourself. Also, calling an electrician for this task will give him a chance to evaluate your breaker box and determine if it should be replaced with a newer and safer model.

  • Electrical Upgrades That Can Boost Your Home’s Value

    Adding on rooms, installing new flooring, and updating your landscaping are all great ways to improve your home’s value and curb appeal, However, did you know that your home’s electrical system can affect your property’s worth, too? If you’re looking for ways to increase the value of your home, then consider calling a residential electrician in San Jose about the following upgrades: Home Electrical Upgrades Service in San Jose

    More Lighting

    Whether it’s windows, skylights, security motion detector lights, or dimmer switches, having more light in and around your home can make the property more appealing to buyers and increase its value. Also, having high-wattage bulbs installed can make a space feel larger and choosing soft lighting can make a room feel more warm and inviting. For these reasons, adding more lights in parts of your home that seem too dim is a smart electrical upgrade.

    New Switches

    Among the simplest and least expensive electrical upgrades that you can perform on your home is changing out the light switches. Old light switches that have become yellowed with age and that have paint smears on them are eyesores. By replacing your old toggle switches with clean, new, push button varieties, you can instantly make your home appear more up-to-date and appealing.

    Updated Panels

    If your home has an outdated electrical panel, then upgrading to a newer model is a smart way to boost your home’s value. Older panels can cause your home to experience inadequate service along with power outages. Also, some old panel models can even pose a fire hazard. For these reasons, it makes sense to have a certified electrician inspect your panel to determine whether it should be replaced.

    Ceiling Fans

    While it may not be the first thing to come to mind as a homeowner or seller, ceiling fans can be highly-prized features for homebuyers. For this reason, if you’re in the process of making electrical upgrades to your home or plan to add more lighting, then consider having your electrician install a few ceiling fans, as well.

  • Understanding the Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections

    When you are considering the purchase of a new home, you will want to schedule an electrical safety inspection with a residential electrician. In this video, you will learn more about why it is so important to hire an electrical contractor to inspect your electrical panel, grounding, and wiring. Homes that are more than 50 years old may contain dangerous and outdated electrical materials that no longer meet building codes.

    During your electrical safety inspection , your electrician will carefully examine every part of your home’s electrical system. If your electrician discovers dangerous aluminum wiring or other hazardous materials, he can recommend the necessary repairs. By taking the time to inspect your future home’s electrical system, you can avoid many of the most common electrical safety hazards.

  • An Electrical Safety Video to Share with Your Kids

    You don’t have to be an electrician serving San Jose to understand how electrical outlets work and how to stay safe when using them. The earlier you learn about electricity, the more easily you can protect yourself, your family, and your house. Watch this electrical safety video and share it with your kids.

    Electricity uses different kinds of mediums to travel, but some are more efficient than others. Water, wood, and metal materials are all conductors of electricity, so they help it move from place to place. Make sure you keep these materials away from electrical outlets to prevent serious accidents like fires and electrocution. You should also be sure to avoid power lines, especially during severe weather events like thunderstorms; even power lines that don’t necessarily look dangerous can still be hazardous to your safety. Remember to avoid plugging too many appliances into an outlet to avoid blown fuses and other electrical problems.

  • A Look at the Electrical Needs of Mobile Home Parks

    Just like any other community, mobile home parks require certain electrical services near San Jose. Quality electrical contractors and the services they provide can keep people safe as well as improve the efficiency of the community. It’s important to realize that many electrical issues should be left to a professional and that attempting to handle them on your own can be risky and dangerous. Feel free to keep reading if you would like a look at the electrical needs of mobile home parks.

    There are many common electrical components involved in apartments, houses, and dorm buildings, and they can typically be found in mobile home parks as well. A mobile home may be susceptible to a blown transformer, but your electrician can help you with a replacement. You might also need to replace underground cables or find underground faults, which will also require the help of your professional electrician. Your electrical contractor should also be experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to mobile home wiring, always offering professional results. If you are in need of pedestal or substation repair or replacement, street light repair, or coach cord replacement, your professional electrician should be the one you turn to for your needs. Mobile Home Park Electrical Services in San Jose, CA