• How Electric Circuits Work

    Types of Electrical Circuits in San Jose, CA 

    Professional Services for Electric Circuits in San Jose, CA 

    Your home’s electric circuit breaker is the heart of the electrical system. All your appliances, electronics, lighting, and electrical equipment rely on it to function correctly in order to provide power safely. A problem with your home’s electric circuit can cause a short-circuit, temporary or permanent power outage, fire, or explosion. You should only trust a licensed electrician to make repairs to or install a home electric circuit breaker. At Delta Electric, we offer professional, affordable electrical services in San Jose, CA. We can quickly diagnose problems with any type of electrical circuits and determine if you need to repair or replace your home’s circuit breaker panel.

    What Is an Electrical Circuit? 

    An electrical circuit is the electric current that is supplied to a specific zone, or circuit, of your home. Your home’s main electrical panel or electric circuit breaker is split up into zones, and each one is wired to power different appliances, lights, outlets, and electric equipment on that circuit. If too much power is delivered to a specific circuit that can’t handle the load, the breaker will trip and shut off power to that entire circuit to prevent an overload or fire.

    How Do Electrical Circuits Work? 

    The circuit breaker functions like an automatic switch. If the electric load to the switch is higher than what the circuit can handle, the switch turns off to protect your safety. It’s important for your main electrical circuit breaker to be sufficient to handle your power needs, or your breakers will constantly be tripped. That is a sign that you need to contact an electrician to upgrade your electric panel.

    Electrical Circuit Basics 

    Each circuit breaker contains:

    • A terminal
    • A stationary contact
    • A catch
    • A simple switch
    • An electromagnet
    • A bimetallic strip
    • Another terminal

    Most circuit breakers contain two different types of trips that protect the circuit and your home:

    • Thermal protection – This causes circuit interruption due to overheating.
    • Electromagnet – This prevents circuit overloading due to a short circuit.

    When a circuit breaker is flipped to the ‘on’ position, it allows electric currents to flow through the bimetallic strip to the electromagnet coil to the moving contact, across the stationary contact, and out through the upper terminal. As the bimetallic strip heats up with the current, it bends. If the circuit rises over a certain level, the bimetallic strip triggers the switch linkage and moving contact, thus breaking its connection to the stationary contact. As electricity flows through the terminals, the electromagnet is magnetized. If that current reaches unsafe levels, the magnet becomes strong enough to move a spool inside it, causing the switch linkage and moving contact to move and breaking the circuit.

    Types of Electrical Circuits 

    There are several types of electrical circuits that can be installed in homes: single-pole, two-pole, three-pole, and four-pole. They are used in different applications, from home to commercial to industrial. The most common types of circuit breakers installed in homes are:

    • Standard – Standard circuit breakers are either single- or double-pole. A single-pole circuit protects a single circuit and takes up one slot on your home’s electrical panel. It typically protects 15-amp and 20-amp circuits. A double-pole breaker protects circuits that power larger pieces of electrical equipment like ranges, air conditioners, and dryers.
    • Ground fault circuit interrupter breaker (GFCI) – GFCIs protect you from electrical shock by shutting off an outlet if the measure of current going out to the load is more than the amount coming back to the panel. They are typically installed in areas where water is a hazard, such as in bathrooms, near sinks, in garages and kitchens, in crawl spaces or basements, and in outdoor receptacles.
    • Arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) – AFCIs monitor circuits for dangerous electrical arcs. This prevents dangerous housefires. Almost every room in your house should have AFCI protection, other than bathrooms and basements.
    • AFCI/GFCI dual-function breaker – AFCI/GFCI dual-function breakers are required in kitchen and laundry rooms. This offers protection from electrical arcs and moisture or water damage, thus protecting you from fires and electrocution. 

    Contact Delta Electric for All Your Electrical Work 

    Call us today or contact us online if you need electrical work in San Jose, CA. Our experienced, licensed electricians specialize in residential and commercial electrical work, and can conduct a home electrical safety inspection to determine if there are any risks or dangers in your home. We can also upgrade electrical panels and repair electrical circuit breakers.

  • Dependable Dedicated Circuits for San Jose, CA, Area Homes

    Delta Electric on Dedicated Circuits

    Delta Electric has been providing dedicated circuits for homes in the San Jose area for the past 32 years. Dedicated circuits are designed to bring electricity safely and efficiently into any living space, ensuring that the electrical load is balanced correctly and preventing the overloading of existing circuits. With Delta Electric, you can be sure your home is safe from the threat of electric shock or fire due to overloaded circuits. Delta Electric provides quality and dependable service so you can have peace of mind knowing your home is safe and secure from electrical hazards.

    Dedicated Electrical Circuits in San Jose

    What Is a Dedicated Circuit?

    Dedicated circuits are electrical wires and cables that are specifically reserved for one appliance or device. These dedicated circuits are safely wired directly from the main power source to the specific appliance, eliminating any risk of overloading the circuit with too much current. This ensures that each device is getting enough power to operate efficiently and safely without interfering with other devices on the same circuit. Dedicated circuits also prevent tripped breakers, blown fuse boxes, and other issues caused by overloaded circuits. By using dedicated circuits, you can be sure your home always has a safe and efficient electrical system.

    What Are the Benefits of Dedicated Circuits?

    Dedicated circuits are important for several reasons. Dedicated circuits prevent a tripped breaker from happening when there are multiple appliances or devices plugged in and working. They increase electrical safety by preventing the overloading of existing circuits and reducing the risk of fire and electric shock. Dedicated circuits also improve efficiency by ensuring that the correct amount of current is being used for each given application. This results in a more efficient use of energy, saving money on electrical costs. Additionally, dedicated circuits help protect sensitive electronic equipment from power outages or surges, which can damage them. Dedicated circuits are essential for keeping your home and its contents safe and running efficiently.

    Types of Dedicated Circuits

    Dedicated circuits are available for a variety of appliances and purposes, from large kitchen and laundry room appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, and dryers, to smaller appliances like microwaves and coffee makers. Dedicated circuits are also necessary for certain applications, such as wiring for electric stoves, hot tubs, and electric water heaters.

    How to Find the Right Size Dedicated Circuit

    Finding the right size dedicated circuit for your appliance or wiring is important. To do this, you’ll need to figure out the amperage (amps) of the circuit. The circuit’s amps will determine the wire and breaker size needed. Delta Electric has experienced electricians who can help you find the right size dedicated circuit for your home and provide professional installation services.

    Why Do Homes Need Dedicated Circuits?

    Ever experience the frustration that comes when you’re cooking up a big meal using the stove, the microwave, and a pressure cooker at the same time – then as soon as you plug in and start your food processor, the breaker trips? That is exactly why homes need dedicated circuits to ensure that electrical loads are balanced and safely spread throughout the home. Dedicated circuits provide a safe and efficient way to avoid overloading the breaker and prevent power surges that can occur when too many outlets are in use. Dedicated circuits also help protect sensitive electronics from power outages or surges, which can damage them, as well as improve energy efficiency by ensuring the correct amount of current is being used for each application. By using dedicated circuits, you can have peace of mind knowing your home has a safe and properly functioning electrical system at all times.

    What Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit?

    Most large kitchen and laundry room appliances need dedicated circuits to ensure they are getting the correct amount of current, such as:

    • Refrigerators
    • Dishwashers
    • Washers
    • Dryers
    • Electric stoves
    • Hot tubs
    • Electric water heaters
    • Microwaves
    • Coffee makers
    • Other small electronics

    Dedicated circuits are also important for certain types of wiring, such as GFCI outlets (ground fault circuit interrupter) that should always have their circuit in bathrooms and kitchens. Having these items on separate circuits eliminates the risk of overloading existing circuits and keeps everyone safe from potential fires or electric shocks caused by overloaded electrical systems.

    Contact Us Today for Professional Dedicated Circuit Services

    Delta Electric offers quality electrical services at an affordable price, and we have been providing dedicated circuits for over 32 years. Dedicated circuits ensure that electricity runs safely and efficiently, reducing fire risks and improving energy efficiency. Invest in dedicated circuits today and feel confident that your home is secure from any electrical hazards. Contact Delta Electric today for all your electrical work. We’ll get your appliances up and running in no time.

  • What Causes Circuit Breakers to Trip?

    Tripped circuit breakers are electrical issues that most homeowners face at least once. If you’ve run into this problem with one of your circuit breakers in San Jose , then read on to learn about some of the possible causes.

    Purpose of Circuit Breakers

    Circuit breakers play an incredibly important role in protecting you, your family, and your property. The purpose of these safety devices is to cut off the flow of the electricity through an electrical circuit when the current running through it gets too high. By doing this, circuit breakers can help protect your property from electrical fires.

    Causes of Tripped Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers

    An overloaded circuit is the most common cause of a tripped circuit breaker. In this situation, more electrical load is trying to go through the circuit than is safe, and this problem is caused by plugging in too many devices. As each of the devices is turned on, more and more electrical current runs through the circuit until it exceeds safe levels, causing the breaker to trip. Another common cause of a tripped circuit breaker is a short circuit. One type of short circuit occurs when one of the wires leading to the power plant, called a hot wire, touches another hot wire or the wire leading into the ground, called the neutral wire, which can allow too much current to run through the wire. Short circuits can also be caused by problems like ground faults, faulty wiring installation, damage to an electrical component, or plugging in an improperly wired device.

    Troubleshooting a Tripped Circuit Breaker

    If one of your circuit breakers trips repeatedly, then start considering what devices you are using. If you have several devices plugged in and drawing power from a single circuit, then unplug all but one of these. After doing this, if the breaker doesn’t trip again, then an overloaded circuit is probably the problem. If unplugging devices doesn’t solve the issue, then you may be dealing with a short circuit and should have an electrician look at your breaker box.

  • Tips for Hiring a Mobile Home Park Electrician

    Mobile homes have unique wiring and electrical systems that differ slightly from those that are found in traditional residences. As a manager of a mobile home park, it is your responsibility to make sure that all of the homes on your grounds are connected to safe electrical wiring systems. With services from a an electrician serving San Jose , you can make sure that all of your park’s home are safely connected to your electrical panel. To help you schedule your next electrical service, here are some tips for hiring a mobile home park electrician. Mobile Home Electrical Services in San Jose

    Research Local Reviews

    When you are in the process of hiring a new electrician to perform services around your mobile home park, you will want to find a contractor who comes with great reviews from past customers. Before you settle on hiring an electrician, consider consulting the contractor’s reviews from former clients. An electrician that comes with top ratings will dedicate the time and energy that is needed to make sure that your park’s electrical system is running correctly.

    Consult With Other Park Managers

    Chances are that there are several mobile home parks located around your city or county. If you are seeking an electrician that has experience working with mobile homes, consider consulting with the other park managers who live and work in your area. By talking with other professionals who work in the field, you will be able to get a great recommendation for an honest and affordable electrician.

    Consider Your Maintenance Needs

    Mobile home parks often require specialized services that are unique to the facility. As you are hiring your next mobile home park electrician, seek out a contractor who specializes in the types of maintenance services and repairs that are required for your park. From pedestal repair to substation maintenance, your park’s electrician can provide your mobile home facility with a wide range of services. Your electrician can also identify potential problem areas that may be in need of electrical upgrades.

  • The Importance of Working with a Commercial Electrician During Your Building Remodel

    If you have recently decided to remodel your commercial building, make sure to hire a commercial electrician to assist you with your project. A commercial electrician in San Jose will specialize in placing electrical wiring, installing industrial lighting, and performing all of the other special electrical services that are required for your space. When you trust your commercial electrical renovations to a licensed technician, you can rest assured that your building is safe and up to code.

    There are several reasons why it is important to work with a commercial electrician during your building remodel. Your commercial electrician will have the special skills and tools that are needed to work on your industrial or commercial facility. Additionally, a trained commercial electrician will help you to determine the correct placement for your new electrical outlets, light switches, and other electrical features. Finally, once your renovation is complete, your commercial electrician can also provide you with regular safety inspections for your space.

    Commercial Electrician Installing an Electrical Socket Safely in San Jose

  • A Look at How Energy-Efficient LED Lights Have Changed the World

    The inventors of the LED light have recently been awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics. In this video from Seeker, you will take a look at how LED lighting has changed the world. By providing homeowners and businesses with energy-efficient lighting, LED lights have improved our quality of life. An electrician serving San Jose can help you plan a new LED lighting installation for your home.

    After you make the switch to LED hanging lights and recessed lights throughout your household, you are sure to be impressed with the amazing performance of these innovative light bulbs. LED lights are much longer lasting than conventional bulbs, and they can help you to significantly decrease your home’s energy consumption.

  • A Look at Common Commercial Electrical Remodeling Services

    If a commercial electrician has recently determined that the electrical systems in your building are out of date, you may be facing an electrical remodeling project. From replacing your commercial lighting to installing a brand new electrical panel, there are many different types of services that can restore your electrical system to ideal functionality. A commercial electrician in San Jose will be able to assist you through every step of your electrical repairs and renovations. Read further to take a look at some of the most common electrical remodeling services that are performed for commercial buildings. Commercial Electrical Remodeling Services in San Jose

    Commercial Building Rewiring

    The electrical wiring in your commercial building may be out of date if it is more than a few decades old. Buildings that were constructed prior to the 1980s may contain electrical wiring that is frayed, damaged, or otherwise out of date. Your commercial electrician will be able to safely rewire your building and make sure that all of its other electrical systems are completely safe for your daily business operations. After you have rewired your commercial building, you may find that your electrical systems operate with better reliability.

    Electrical System Upgrades

    When you plan on renovating your commercial space, you may be faced with significant electrical upgrades. In order to make sure that your remodel is up to local building codes, it may be necessary to install a new electrical panel, wiring, and lighting. From replacing the electrical outlets around your office to installing quality lighting systems around your space, an electrician can help you perform the upgrades that are needed for your renovation.

    Periodic Electrical Safety Inspections

    To assess whether your commercial building is in need of rewiring or electrical updates, it is essential to schedule periodic safety inspections with a licensed electrical contractor. During your safety inspection, your electrician will closely evaluate the quality and condition of your wiring, outlets, electrical panels, and other essential electrical systems. If a problem is detected, you will be able to immediately embark on an electrical renovation or repair procedure.

  • When to Call an Electrician About Your Building’s Breaker Box

    Your building’s fuse box, which is also known as a breaker box , is one of its most vital electrical components. Without a properly maintained and updated breaker box system, you may find yourself experiencing frequent outages and other electrical issues. Fortunately, an electrician serving San Jose will be able to assess the condition of your breaker box and determine whether you are in need of electrical panel replacement or repair.

    There are a few scenarios when you will need to call an electrician in regards to your breaker box. If you are finding that your electrical circuits are getting overloaded on a frequent basis, a malfunctioning breaker box may be to blame. You will also need to set up professional electrical services when you discover that your breaker box has become outdated. Typically, breaker boxes will last for up to 30 to 40 years before they require replacement. If you are struggling to keep your circuit breakers from tripping, you should be sure to call an electrician right away.

    breaker - box

  • Electrical Services to Consider for Investing in Your Home

    Whether you are gearing up to sell your home, or your simply want to increase your property’s value in the coming year, now may be the time to hire a residential electrician to make certain updates to your home’s electrical wiring and panels. When you replace your wiring, electrical panel, and other electrical systems, you can make your home safer and more valuable. A residential electrician in San Jose will be happy to tell you more about the electrical upgrades will provide you with the most benefits for your dollar. Read on for an overview of which electrical services make good investments for residential homes. Electrical Services by Delta Electric in San Jose

    Electrical Panel Installation

    Your home’s electrical panel connects your various outlets and appliances to the municipal electrical grid. In the event that your electrical panel becomes outdated, you may start to notice that your circuits trip frequently or that you lose power to your home on a consistent basis. An electrical panel replacement will make your home’s electrical system more reliable, and it will also make your property more appealing to buyers.

    New Lighting Design

    Proper lighting can take your interior design to the next level of excellence. If you are taking the time to have your home’s wiring or circuits replaced, you may also want to ask your electrician about the possibility of planning a new lighting installation for your home. Recessed lights, pendant lights, or track lights can all provide your indoor spaces with gorgeous illumination.

    Dedicated Circuit Replacement

    Upgrading your home’s appliances is a terrific way to boost its overall value. When you are considering replacing your stove, washing machine, or other appliances, you may want to talk to your electrician about replacing your dedicated circuits, as well. A dedicated circuit is an outlet that is designed to supply electricity to an appliance with greater electrical needs. By replacing your dedicated circuits, or moving them to other areas of your home, you will be able to upgrade your appliances easily.

  • Understanding the Electrical System

    Your home’s electrical system provides you with power every day, but you may be surprised to learn about where this electricity comes from. In this video, you will take a closer look at how municipal electrical systems work. After fuel is burned for energy, the resulting electricity is transferred through electrical wires. A team of electricians in San Jose will be happy to answer your questions about how electrical systems work.

    If you are having trouble with your electrical panel, be sure to hire a certified electrician who works in your local area. With qualified electrical services, you can return your home’s electrical system to proper operating condition in no time. Your electrician can also make sure that your property is safely connected to the municipal power grid.