• How an Electrician Can Help with Your Commercial Remodeling

    Just like your home, your place of work needs to have functional electrical wiring in San Jose. In many cases, your commercial building will actually require much more electricity than your residential home, so it pays to choose a commercial electrician with experience in this area of the industry. This kind of contractor is especially important when you’re starting a remodeling project. Checking in with an electrician gives you the opportunity to check your outlets, make upgrades to your wiring, and enjoy a safer and more efficient space. Continue reading to find out how an electrician can help with your commercial remodeling.

    No matter how big or small your commercial renovation is going to be, it could come with significant changes. You might need outlets in different places, and you might take the chance to address minor electrical problems that have come up in the past. Your commercial electrician can help you out with rewiring services, safety inspections, and upgraded fixtures and appliances. These services make your commercial building more energy efficient, so you save money for your business. Modern electrical upgrades will also reduce your risk of short circuits and electrical fires, so you can keep your employees and customers safer.

    Commercial electric remodeling in San Jose, CA

  • FAQs about Rewiring Services for Businesses

    Electrical wiring in San Jose won’t last forever, and it can cause safety problems as it starts to deteriorate. If you’re having trouble with your electrical systems or you want to get ahead of the game and enjoy better efficiency and safety, talk to your commercial electrician about electrical rewiring. There are some signs that indicate you’re in more dire need than you might’ve realized, so you should know what they are. Taking on dangerous electrical projects can result in serious injury if you’re not a professional, so work with your electrician and read on for FAQs about rewiring services for businesses.

    Commercial Rewiring Services in San Jose, CA

    How does rewiring help?

    Electrical rewiring offers some valuable benefits to your business. Rewiring improves the efficiency of your electrical system, so you can expect your appliances to work better, and you might even save some money thanks to the increase in efficiency. This process also makes the business safer by replacing old, worn out wires with brand new ones.

    Do I need rewiring services?

    If you keep coming across electrical problems and none of your solutions have worked, then you might need rewiring services. Keep an eye out for switches and outlets that don’t get enough power, especially if there’s no power coming through at all. Older buildings should also be rewired to make sure the wiring used is acceptable based on today’s standards—the aluminum wiring that may be in older buildings is no longer used. You might also need electrical rewiring if you don’t have enough outlets or if your electrical panel is malfunctioning.

    Can I rewire my own electrical system?

    Some people underestimate how dangerous it can be to work with electricity. One wrong move can damage your system or cause injury via electrical shock. Unless you are trained as a commercial electrician, you should not try to perform rewiring services by yourself. Only trained professionals should take on this task, for the sake of personal safety and the quality of your electrical systems. Play it safe and find an experienced specialist to work with in your area.

  • Common Reasons for a Constantly Tripping Breaker

    Circuit breakers are designed to protect your home by breaking the circuit when the device is overloaded. In San Jose, circuit breaker tripping is most often caused by simply having too many electric appliances and devices running at the same time. Electricians also find that tripping breakers are caused by electrical wiring damage. For instance, an extension cord may have been damaged or a wire in the wall might have broken.

    You can watch this featured video to find out more about circuit breakers. However, do call an electrician to make any needed repairs, instead of trying a potentially dangerous DIY approach. In some cases, homeowners may need to upgrade the electrical panel or replace some wiring.

  • How You Can Benefit from Converting Your Aluminum Wiring

    If you have an older home, there’s a good chance it has aluminum wiring. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the price of copper rose considerably, and so new homes were constructed with aluminum wiring instead. A residential electrician in San Jose can confirm whether your house has this type of wiring, and he or she may recommend converting to copper wiring to reduce the risk of a house fire. Only licensed electricians should perform this conversion.

    Aluminum wiring by itself isn’t risky, but the way it connects to devices is. Electricians recommend converting to copper wiring because it doesn’t expand and contract with temperature changes the way aluminum wiring does. Over time, this can loosen the connection between the aluminum wiring and the circuit breaker, electrical fixture, electrical outlet, or switch. Loose electrical connections can cause overheating, which consequently, can trigger a house fire. Hiring a residential electrician to convert your aluminum wiring can give you peace of mind knowing that your family is safer.

    Aluminum wiring

  • Is Your Home Overdue for Electrical Rewiring?

    It’s difficult for homeowners to determine if they need to have a residential electrician in San Jose rewire the building. The most effective way to protect your family from electrical fires is to schedule a professional inspection by a certified electrician. Inspections can be beneficial even if you haven’t noticed any problems, but you should definitely schedule an appointment soon if you’ve noticed any of the following issues.

    You have an older home. Certified residential electrician inspection in San Jose, CA

    Have you recently bought an older home, or are you considering purchasing one? Or maybe you’ve been living in your current residence for decades, and can’t remember the last time an electrician visited. Any of these situations may call for electrical rewiring. The electrician will check for common problems associated with older homes, including the presence of aluminum wiring instead of copper wiring and ungrounded, two-prong outlets. In addition, if you have an extension cord at nearly every outlet, the wiring is likely inadequate for your family’s modern needs.

    You’ve recently made major renovations.

    Not every home renovation affects the electrical wiring. Simply replacing your kitchen cabinets, flooring, or bathroom vanities, for example, doesn’t necessarily mean an electrician should upgrade your system. But if your renovations include adding major appliances, like a hot tub or an extra chest freezer in the basement, then an electrician should inspect the system. It’s possible that you’ll need to rewire the home so that it’s capable of supporting the increased electricity needs.

    You’ve noticed warning signs of electrical problems.

    Your electrical system can give you some warning signs that a major malfunction could happen soon. Your electrician may need to rewire the home or upgrade the panel if the circuit breaker trips frequently. Other warning signs may include the following:

    • The odor of something burning that isn’t caused by meal preparation
    • Loose electrical outlets
    • Sparking or arcing from an outlet when a cord is plugged in or unplugged
    • Lights that frequently flicker or grow dimmer inexplicably
    • Sizzling or buzzing sounds
    • Frequently burned-out lightbulbs
    • Light switch plates that are discolored or feel hot

    Do not attempt to fix these problems yourself, as electrical malfunctions can be dangerous.

  • What You Need to Know About Working with an Electrician

    It’s dangerous to mess with your electrical wiring if you don’t know what you’re doing, which is one main reason you should work with a professional electrician serving San Jose. The professionals can handle residential and commercial maintenance and repairs, but not all of them are equally trustworthy. Look for an electrician before you need one so you can take your time and go through your options. The right choice can save you from potential electrical fires and improve your efficiency. Here’s what you need to know about working with an electrician.

    Why You Need One Professional electrical services in San Jose, CA

    Electricians perform much needed services that keep workplaces and living spaces safe and efficient. Old electrical appliances, fixtures, and wiring can pose various threats that can result in damage and injury, and in some cases, even death. In order to keep your family or your employees safe, you need to maintain these systems and repair them whenever necessary. Electricians can also come in handy when it comes to remodeling the house, adding some new landscaping lighting, or upgrading old fixtures so they’re more effective and convenient. These aren’t tasks you should handle by yourself, which is why you need a professional electrician.

    How to Choose the Right One

    You can’t just hire a new electrician blindly. If you end up with a sketchy “professional” who doesn’t appear to be licensed or even trained, you could completely sabotage your electrical systems. Think about who you’ll work with before you run into problems with your electricity. This gives you time to do your research and find a company that you can trust to do right by you and your family or company.

    When to Call One

    A good electrician can help out in the office building just as well as he or she can in the house. If your lights start to flicker or your outlets are blown out, you should have your professional take a look. An electrician can also be of service if you want to upgrade your old fixtures or appliances, or if you suspect that you might have wiring issues.

  • Could Your Home Be Housing Aluminum Wiring?

    A home should be a safe space for the family, but aluminum wiring can sabotage your safety, your comfort, and even your home’s efficiency. Since aluminum can corrode easily, it’s not the best choice for your home . Many homeowners don’t do anything about their aluminum wiring simply because they don’t realize they have it. An electrician serving San Jose will tell you that aluminum wiring is not the industry standard at this point in time, and there are other options when it comes to efficient electrical wiring. Continue reading and see if your home could be housing aluminum wiring.

    Electrician Inspecting Aluminum Wiring in San Jose

    Age of the Home

    Your home is more likely to contain aluminum wiring if it was built during a specific time period. Homes that were built between the years of 1965 and 1973 may very well contain aluminum wiring, and people who had electrical rewiring done during that time could have it as well. This isn’t the only criteria though, as some electricians continued to use aluminum wiring to add or extend circuits after this period of time. If you know your home was built between those years, have your electrician find out if there are aluminum wires in your house.

    Electrician Appraisal

    The easiest way to find out if you have aluminum wiring in your house is to call an electrician and go through an inspection. Since your residential or commercial electrician knows what to look for, the process shouldn’t take long and it will leave you with a definitive answer. It can be dangerous for a homeowner to open up his or her electrical panel and look at the wires. Instead of risking your safety, as well as damaging your electrical systems, talk to your electrician and get the professionals involved.

    Markings on Wires

    Sometimes, you can find out if you have aluminum wires in your home by looking at the markings. Markings like KAISER and ALCAN, or even the word ALUMINUM, indicate that you have aluminum wiring. Look at your insulation wherever wiring is visible in your attic or basement to tell.

  • The Importance of Working with a Commercial Electrician During Your Building Remodel

    If you have recently decided to remodel your commercial building, make sure to hire a commercial electrician to assist you with your project. A commercial electrician in San Jose will specialize in placing electrical wiring, installing industrial lighting, and performing all of the other special electrical services that are required for your space. When you trust your commercial electrical renovations to a licensed technician, you can rest assured that your building is safe and up to code.

    There are several reasons why it is important to work with a commercial electrician during your building remodel. Your commercial electrician will have the special skills and tools that are needed to work on your industrial or commercial facility. Additionally, a trained commercial electrician will help you to determine the correct placement for your new electrical outlets, light switches, and other electrical features. Finally, once your renovation is complete, your commercial electrician can also provide you with regular safety inspections for your space.

    Commercial Electrician Installing an Electrical Socket Safely in San Jose

  • What to Look for in an Electrician for Your Home Remodel

    During a home remodeling project, you may find that you need to replace your electrical panel, electrical wiring, or household lighting system. Rather than attempting to perform major electrical services on your own, always hire a qualified electrician to assist you with your electrical renovations . A residential electrician in San Jose will be able to provide you with safe and effective renovations for your household’s electrical system. Let’s review some elements that you should look for when you are hiring an electrician to work on your home. home - electrician

    Professional Qualifications

    In order to become a licensed electrical contractor, an electrician must complete a rigorous training program. Depending on the level of education that an electrician has completed, he may be classified as a master electrician or a journeyman electrician. To ensure that you have a skilled professional working on your home’s electrical system, always seek out a master electrician to perform your repairs. The level of master electrician is the highest level of qualification that can be achieved by an electrical contractor.

    Licensing and Insurance

    A reputable electrician will be fully licensed and insured by the city and state. Many states have comprehensive licensing programs, which require electricians to be up to date with their tools, materials, and methods. Before you hire an electrician to work on your remodeling project, you can ask to see a copy of his current licensing and insurance documents.

    Remodeling Expertise

    While some electricians specialize in new home constructions or emergency repairs, others are uniquely qualified to perform residential electrical remodels. When you are gearing up for a remodeling project for your home, seek out an electrician that has specific expertise in the remodeling industry. Your remodeling expert will know how to safely replace your home’s wiring, check your current circuits, and evaluate the need for additional panels or GFCI circuits throughout the home. By working with a remodeling expert, you can rest assured that your electrical system is ready to support your newly renovated home.

  • These Signs Mean You Should Call an Electrician About Rewiring

    Problems with your electrical wiring in San Jose can present quite a few hazards, but how do you tell if you’re at risk? In addition to having your residential or commercial electrician check out your system, there are some signs that you can look for. If you know that your electrical wiring was done a long time ago, you should keep a closer eye out for problems. You might also need to replace your electrical wiring if your panels are malfunctioning or if your outlets aren’t receiving enough power. Learn more about these signs by reading ahead. electrical - rewiring

    Old Wiring

    The older your building is, the more likely it is to contain old wiring. This type of wiring is more prone to malfunctions, which can cause unnecessary danger for your home or office. If you frequently deal with electrical problems—even minor ones—you might have old wiring. In this case it’s a good idea to consider the benefits of rewiring. Your electrician can completely rewire your system, which will make it more efficient and safer for your family or patrons.

    Dangerous Electrical Panels

    Your electrical panel is full of fuses, and they control the amount of electricity that enters your home or business. If too much comes through at once, a fuse will trip and the electricity will be cut off. This helps keep you safe, but only if it works properly. Rewiring will help to make your electrical panels safer and more effective. This minimizes the chances of accidents and injuries, and it can boost the efficiency of your electrical system.

    Lack of Power to Outlets

    When you plug an appliance in and push the power button, you should expect it to turn on. If it doesn’t, you might think there’s something wrong with the appliance, or you might check the electrical panel to see if you blew a fuse. While both are possible culprits, the problem could also be your wiring. If it turns out that your appliance works when plugged into a different outlet, and the fuse wasn’t blown, then consider electrical rewiring to bring power back.