• What You Need to Know About Working with an Electrician

    It’s dangerous to mess with your electrical wiring if you don’t know what you’re doing, which is one main reason you should work with a professional electrician serving San Jose. The professionals can handle residential and commercial maintenance and repairs, but not all of them are equally trustworthy. Look for an electrician before you need one so you can take your time and go through your options. The right choice can save you from potential electrical fires and improve your efficiency. Here’s what you need to know about working with an electrician.

    Why You Need One Professional electrical services in San Jose, CA

    Electricians perform much needed services that keep workplaces and living spaces safe and efficient. Old electrical appliances, fixtures, and wiring can pose various threats that can result in damage and injury, and in some cases, even death. In order to keep your family or your employees safe, you need to maintain these systems and repair them whenever necessary. Electricians can also come in handy when it comes to remodeling the house, adding some new landscaping lighting, or upgrading old fixtures so they’re more effective and convenient. These aren’t tasks you should handle by yourself, which is why you need a professional electrician.

    How to Choose the Right One

    You can’t just hire a new electrician blindly. If you end up with a sketchy “professional” who doesn’t appear to be licensed or even trained, you could completely sabotage your electrical systems. Think about who you’ll work with before you run into problems with your electricity. This gives you time to do your research and find a company that you can trust to do right by you and your family or company.

    When to Call One

    A good electrician can help out in the office building just as well as he or she can in the house. If your lights start to flicker or your outlets are blown out, you should have your professional take a look. An electrician can also be of service if you want to upgrade your old fixtures or appliances, or if you suspect that you might have wiring issues.

  • A Brief History of LED Lighting

    Today, we know LED lighting as a reliable and efficient alternative to traditional incandescent lighting, but it hasn’t been around for all that long. If you want to save money and make your residential or commercial lighting more environmentally friendly, talk to your electrician serving San Jose . Watch this video to see where LED lighting came from.

    LED stands for light emitting diode, and it was invented by a man named Nick Holonyak, Jr. Holonyak studied at the University of Illinois in order to earn his PhD in electrical engineering, which was a step towards the invention of LED lighting. This new invention creates a brighter future for our electronics because it lasts longer and creates less heat when compared to incandescent bulbs. This helps homeowners and business owners save money on energy bills, and they won’t have to replace their bulbs as frequently.

  • Could Your Home Be Housing Aluminum Wiring?

    A home should be a safe space for the family, but aluminum wiring can sabotage your safety, your comfort, and even your home’s efficiency. Since aluminum can corrode easily, it’s not the best choice for your home . Many homeowners don’t do anything about their aluminum wiring simply because they don’t realize they have it. An electrician serving San Jose will tell you that aluminum wiring is not the industry standard at this point in time, and there are other options when it comes to efficient electrical wiring. Continue reading and see if your home could be housing aluminum wiring.

    Electrician Inspecting Aluminum Wiring in San Jose

    Age of the Home

    Your home is more likely to contain aluminum wiring if it was built during a specific time period. Homes that were built between the years of 1965 and 1973 may very well contain aluminum wiring, and people who had electrical rewiring done during that time could have it as well. This isn’t the only criteria though, as some electricians continued to use aluminum wiring to add or extend circuits after this period of time. If you know your home was built between those years, have your electrician find out if there are aluminum wires in your house.

    Electrician Appraisal

    The easiest way to find out if you have aluminum wiring in your house is to call an electrician and go through an inspection. Since your residential or commercial electrician knows what to look for, the process shouldn’t take long and it will leave you with a definitive answer. It can be dangerous for a homeowner to open up his or her electrical panel and look at the wires. Instead of risking your safety, as well as damaging your electrical systems, talk to your electrician and get the professionals involved.

    Markings on Wires

    Sometimes, you can find out if you have aluminum wires in your home by looking at the markings. Markings like KAISER and ALCAN, or even the word ALUMINUM, indicate that you have aluminum wiring. Look at your insulation wherever wiring is visible in your attic or basement to tell.

  • Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your Panel?

    A faulty electrical panel near San Jose can be dangerous to have in the home or in your workplace, so you should know when it’s time for an upgrade. Your electrical contractor can make your home or business safer, more efficient, and more effective. You don’t want to waste money upgrading a perfectly decent panel, so learn how to recognize the signs that your system isn’t in great shape.

    Your electrical panel is responsible for getting power to your appliances, so it should be kept in top shape. Proper maintenance is crucial in order to extend your panel’s working life. If you don’t maintain your panel, you might want to upgrade rather than repair. Faulty electrical panels might make weird sounds or cause the lights to flicker, and sometimes they won’t power your appliances. Upgrade your panel if it’s 30 years old or older to avoid fire hazards and low efficiency.

    Electrical Panel Upgrades by Delta Electric in San Jose

  • Electrical Services to Consider for Investing in Your Home

    Whether you are gearing up to sell your home, or your simply want to increase your property’s value in the coming year, now may be the time to hire a residential electrician to make certain updates to your home’s electrical wiring and panels. When you replace your wiring, electrical panel, and other electrical systems, you can make your home safer and more valuable. A residential electrician in San Jose will be happy to tell you more about the electrical upgrades will provide you with the most benefits for your dollar. Read on for an overview of which electrical services make good investments for residential homes. Electrical Services by Delta Electric in San Jose

    Electrical Panel Installation

    Your home’s electrical panel connects your various outlets and appliances to the municipal electrical grid. In the event that your electrical panel becomes outdated, you may start to notice that your circuits trip frequently or that you lose power to your home on a consistent basis. An electrical panel replacement will make your home’s electrical system more reliable, and it will also make your property more appealing to buyers.

    New Lighting Design

    Proper lighting can take your interior design to the next level of excellence. If you are taking the time to have your home’s wiring or circuits replaced, you may also want to ask your electrician about the possibility of planning a new lighting installation for your home. Recessed lights, pendant lights, or track lights can all provide your indoor spaces with gorgeous illumination.

    Dedicated Circuit Replacement

    Upgrading your home’s appliances is a terrific way to boost its overall value. When you are considering replacing your stove, washing machine, or other appliances, you may want to talk to your electrician about replacing your dedicated circuits, as well. A dedicated circuit is an outlet that is designed to supply electricity to an appliance with greater electrical needs. By replacing your dedicated circuits, or moving them to other areas of your home, you will be able to upgrade your appliances easily.

  • Understanding the Electrical System

    Your home’s electrical system provides you with power every day, but you may be surprised to learn about where this electricity comes from. In this video, you will take a closer look at how municipal electrical systems work. After fuel is burned for energy, the resulting electricity is transferred through electrical wires. A team of electricians in San Jose will be happy to answer your questions about how electrical systems work.

    If you are having trouble with your electrical panel, be sure to hire a certified electrician who works in your local area. With qualified electrical services, you can return your home’s electrical system to proper operating condition in no time. Your electrician can also make sure that your property is safely connected to the municipal power grid.

  • FAQs About Commercial Electrical Safety Inspections

    Just like your residential electrical systems, your commercial electric near San Jose should be kept as safe as possible. In order to do this, you’ll need your commercial electrician to conduct a safety inspection. This process can help your workers and your customers remain safe and secure on your premises, and it can also help save your business money. A safety inspection is also an important aspect of staying up to code and complying with local regulations. Keep reading for more on these FAQs about commercial electrical safety inspections. FAQs of commercial electrical safety inspections

    How can an inspection improve safety?

    Not everyone is trained to recognize electrical hazards, which is why your commercial electrician is an integral part of your business’ safety. Your commercial electrician will know exactly what kinds of problems to look for, and he or she can help you prevent them from occurring. You have to consider the needs and safety of a few different groups of people when you run a business, from your staff to the customers who help your business stay afloat. Commercial electrical safety inspections will ensure that your systems are functioning properly and not posing a threat to your employees or your patrons.

    Can it save my business money?

    When you undergo a commercial electrical safety inspection, you get the opportunity to recognize problems with your electrical system before they escalate. It’s much cheaper to prevent a problem than to have your electrician repair it once the damage has been done, so in this way an electrical safety inspection can save your business money. This responsible forethought can free up your finances and offer you some added flexibility, which is always welcome as a business owner.

    Will it keep me up to code?

    When you run a business, it’s important that you meet all of the local rules and regulations. If you want to keep your business up to code, you can have your commercial electrician provide you with an electrical safety inspection. In addition to creating a safer environment for everyone involved, staying up to code will protect the reputation of your company and help avoid legal issues.

  • Red Flags That Call for Re-Wiring

    When you are considering purchasing an older home, you may want to hire an electrician to come and inspect the home’s electrical system. From the fuse box to the electrical panel and more, there are many potential sources of electrical dangers in older houses. Fortunately, with services from a residential electrician in San Jose, you can remove your old and damage electrical wiring and install a brand new system. To determine whether you need to embark on a re-wiring procedure , it is important to be on the lookout for certain signs and symptoms. Here are some electrical red flags that could indicate that you need to re-wire your home. Re-wiring

    Scorched or Burned Sockets

    To determine whether your home is ready for electrical re-wiring, you will want to evaluate the condition of your outlets and electrical sockets. If your outlets are overloaded with electricity, they may begin to scorch, smoke, or spark. In the event that you notice smoke emerging from your outlets, it is time to set up professional re-wiring services with a licensed electrical contractor.

    Flickering Lights

    Your home’s lighting may provide you with an indication of whether or not you need to re-wire your electrical system. When your lights flicker on and off, they may be overloading your home’s current wiring design. If your lights continue to flicker after you replace your light bulbs, this is a sure sign that your home is in need of a wiring upgrade. You can also check the safety of your lighting installation by inspecting your circuit breakers.

    Tripped Circuit Breakers

    The circuit breakers in your home are designed to trip when the wiring system experiences a surge in power. After the circuit breaker has tripped, its power will be shut off until it is manually reset. When you find that you are resetting your circuit breakers all the time, this is a sign that your home needs to be re-wired. Rewiring your home can improve the safety of your electrical system, and can also provide you with improved convenience and efficiency.

  • Spotlight on Our Commercial Electrical Services

  • Understanding the Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections

    When you are considering the purchase of a new home, you will want to schedule an electrical safety inspection with a residential electrician. In this video, you will learn more about why it is so important to hire an electrical contractor to inspect your electrical panel, grounding, and wiring. Homes that are more than 50 years old may contain dangerous and outdated electrical materials that no longer meet building codes.

    During your electrical safety inspection , your electrician will carefully examine every part of your home’s electrical system. If your electrician discovers dangerous aluminum wiring or other hazardous materials, he can recommend the necessary repairs. By taking the time to inspect your future home’s electrical system, you can avoid many of the most common electrical safety hazards.