• Examining the Toll of Poor Office Lighting

    In the workplace, a great deal of focus is put on using the latest computer technology and choosing ergonomic office furniture. However, the importance of good lighting is often overlooked. If you’re considering calling an electrician to upgrade your commercial lighting in San Jose , then watch this video to learn about the toll that poor office lighting can take.

    Bad lighting can refer to insufficient lighting, but it is often lighting that is too bright or has the wrong spectrum. Inadequate lighting can cause eye strain and affect your sleep, mood, and health, each of which may lead to poor work performance. To remedy bad lighting in your office, contact an electrician about LED lighting installation.

  • What Causes Circuit Breakers to Trip?

    Tripped circuit breakers are electrical issues that most homeowners face at least once. If you’ve run into this problem with one of your circuit breakers in San Jose , then read on to learn about some of the possible causes.

    Purpose of Circuit Breakers

    Circuit breakers play an incredibly important role in protecting you, your family, and your property. The purpose of these safety devices is to cut off the flow of the electricity through an electrical circuit when the current running through it gets too high. By doing this, circuit breakers can help protect your property from electrical fires.

    Causes of Tripped Circuit Breakers Circuit Breakers

    An overloaded circuit is the most common cause of a tripped circuit breaker. In this situation, more electrical load is trying to go through the circuit than is safe, and this problem is caused by plugging in too many devices. As each of the devices is turned on, more and more electrical current runs through the circuit until it exceeds safe levels, causing the breaker to trip. Another common cause of a tripped circuit breaker is a short circuit. One type of short circuit occurs when one of the wires leading to the power plant, called a hot wire, touches another hot wire or the wire leading into the ground, called the neutral wire, which can allow too much current to run through the wire. Short circuits can also be caused by problems like ground faults, faulty wiring installation, damage to an electrical component, or plugging in an improperly wired device.

    Troubleshooting a Tripped Circuit Breaker

    If one of your circuit breakers trips repeatedly, then start considering what devices you are using. If you have several devices plugged in and drawing power from a single circuit, then unplug all but one of these. After doing this, if the breaker doesn’t trip again, then an overloaded circuit is probably the problem. If unplugging devices doesn’t solve the issue, then you may be dealing with a short circuit and should have an electrician look at your breaker box.

  • Spotlight on the Role of the Electrician in Your Home Remodel

    There is a lot to think about when it comes to home renovations, and among the most important of these is the electrical system. Depending on the project, your home’s wiring may need to be addressed to account for the structural changes or new construction. For this reason, it’s important that you consult a home remodeling electrician in San Jose and learn what modifications or upgrades will need to be made to your electrical system. Also, by addressing the electrical aspects of the project early on, you can avoid having to make costly or time-consuming changes after beginning the remodel.

    An electrician will be able to assist you with the electrical aspects of just about any home remodeling project, such as those for bathrooms, kitchens, basements, offices, dens, and room additions. Also, your electrician will be able to address everything from adding new circuits to rewiring your new home. Lastly, because electrical work should not be completed by inexperienced individuals, remember that upgrades like these should be left to the professionals.

    electrical remodeling


  • Recognizing the Signs That Your Office Needs an Electrical Upgrade

    Whether you just moved in or you’ve been working out of your office for years, having a good electrical system is important for many reasons. Keep reading to learn what signs mean that it’s time to call a commercial electrician about upgrading your office’s electrical wiring in San Jose. Commercial electrical up-gradation in San Jose, CA

    You Have an Unsafe Electrical Panel

    Old and unsafe electrical panels may lead to poor electrical function, power failure, and electrical fires. Some signs that can indicate that your panel needs to be replaced include insufficient power, flickering lights, and strange sounds. Also, if your electrical panel is more than thirty years old or was made by either Federal Pacific or Zinsco, then it may be time to upgrade this part of your building’s electrical system. Finally, safety codes require that your electrical panel have sufficient clearance, have a dead front, and be readily accessible. If your electrical panel isn’t up to safety standards, then it’s time for an upgrade.

    You Don’t Have Enough Power

    Have you been dealing with tripped circuit breakers in your office? If so, then this is a good indicator that it’s time to upgrade your electrical wiring. It’s not uncommon for businesses to run into this issue as they expand and add more lighting and electrical devices to their building. If your electrical panel isn’t equipped to handle the amount of power that your office requires, then you can look forward to more tripped breakers until you upgrade the system. For this reason, you should consider having an electrician make changes that allow adequate power to reach your switches and outlets.

    You Recently Had a Safety Inspection Completed

    Finally, if you had an electrical safety inspection performed in your office and were given recommendations for upgrades, then it’s important to take this advice seriously to help ensure that your building’s wiring works properly, safely, and efficiently. Some signs that indicate it’s time for an upgrade include too few outlets and wiring that is old, cloth-insulated, ungrounded, or made from aluminum.

  • What You Need to Know About Working with an Electrician

    It’s dangerous to mess with your electrical wiring if you don’t know what you’re doing, which is one main reason you should work with a professional electrician serving San Jose. The professionals can handle residential and commercial maintenance and repairs, but not all of them are equally trustworthy. Look for an electrician before you need one so you can take your time and go through your options. The right choice can save you from potential electrical fires and improve your efficiency. Here’s what you need to know about working with an electrician.

    Why You Need One Professional electrical services in San Jose, CA

    Electricians perform much needed services that keep workplaces and living spaces safe and efficient. Old electrical appliances, fixtures, and wiring can pose various threats that can result in damage and injury, and in some cases, even death. In order to keep your family or your employees safe, you need to maintain these systems and repair them whenever necessary. Electricians can also come in handy when it comes to remodeling the house, adding some new landscaping lighting, or upgrading old fixtures so they’re more effective and convenient. These aren’t tasks you should handle by yourself, which is why you need a professional electrician.

    How to Choose the Right One

    You can’t just hire a new electrician blindly. If you end up with a sketchy “professional” who doesn’t appear to be licensed or even trained, you could completely sabotage your electrical systems. Think about who you’ll work with before you run into problems with your electricity. This gives you time to do your research and find a company that you can trust to do right by you and your family or company.

    When to Call One

    A good electrician can help out in the office building just as well as he or she can in the house. If your lights start to flicker or your outlets are blown out, you should have your professional take a look. An electrician can also be of service if you want to upgrade your old fixtures or appliances, or if you suspect that you might have wiring issues.

  • A Brief History of LED Lighting

    Today, we know LED lighting as a reliable and efficient alternative to traditional incandescent lighting, but it hasn’t been around for all that long. If you want to save money and make your residential or commercial lighting more environmentally friendly, talk to your electrician serving San Jose . Watch this video to see where LED lighting came from.

    LED stands for light emitting diode, and it was invented by a man named Nick Holonyak, Jr. Holonyak studied at the University of Illinois in order to earn his PhD in electrical engineering, which was a step towards the invention of LED lighting. This new invention creates a brighter future for our electronics because it lasts longer and creates less heat when compared to incandescent bulbs. This helps homeowners and business owners save money on energy bills, and they won’t have to replace their bulbs as frequently.

  • Could Your Home Be Housing Aluminum Wiring?

    A home should be a safe space for the family, but aluminum wiring can sabotage your safety, your comfort, and even your home’s efficiency. Since aluminum can corrode easily, it’s not the best choice for your home . Many homeowners don’t do anything about their aluminum wiring simply because they don’t realize they have it. An electrician serving San Jose will tell you that aluminum wiring is not the industry standard at this point in time, and there are other options when it comes to efficient electrical wiring. Continue reading and see if your home could be housing aluminum wiring.

    Aluminium wiring hazards by Delta Electric in San Jose, CA

    Age of the Home

    Your home is more likely to contain aluminum wiring if it was built during a specific time period. Homes that were built between the years of 1965 and 1973 may very well contain aluminum wiring, and people who had electrical rewiring done during that time could have it as well. This isn’t the only criteria though, as some electricians continued to use aluminum wiring to add or extend circuits after this period of time. If you know your home was built between those years, have your electrician find out if there are aluminum wires in your house.

    Electrician Appraisal

    The easiest way to find out if you have aluminum wiring in your house is to call an electrician and go through an inspection. Since your residential or commercial electrician knows what to look for, the process shouldn’t take long and it will leave you with a definitive answer. It can be dangerous for a homeowner to open up his or her electrical panel and look at the wires. Instead of risking your safety, as well as damaging your electrical systems, talk to your electrician and get the professionals involved.

    Markings on Wires

    Sometimes, you can find out if you have aluminum wires in your home by looking at the markings. Markings like KAISER and ALCAN, or even the word ALUMINUM, indicate that you have aluminum wiring. Look at your insulation wherever wiring is visible in your attic or basement to tell.

  • Is Now the Time to Upgrade Your Panel?

    A faulty electrical panel near San Jose can be dangerous to have in the home or in your workplace, so you should know when it’s time for an upgrade. Your electrical contractor can make your home or business safer, more efficient, and more effective. You don’t want to waste money upgrading a perfectly decent panel, so learn how to recognize the signs that your system isn’t in great shape.

    Your electrical panel is responsible for getting power to your appliances, so it should be kept in top shape. Proper maintenance is crucial in order to extend your panel’s working life. If you don’t maintain your panel, you might want to upgrade rather than repair. Faulty electrical panels might make weird sounds or cause the lights to flicker, and sometimes they won’t power your appliances. Upgrade your panel if it’s 30 years old or older to avoid fire hazards and low efficiency.

    Electrical Panel Upgrades by Delta Electric in San Jose

  • Tips for Hiring a Mobile Home Park Electrician

    Mobile homes have unique wiring and electrical systems that differ slightly from those that are found in traditional residences. As a manager of a mobile home park, it is your responsibility to make sure that all of the homes on your grounds are connected to safe electrical wiring systems. With services from a an electrician serving San Jose , you can make sure that all of your park’s home are safely connected to your electrical panel. To help you schedule your next electrical service, here are some tips for hiring a mobile home park electrician. Mobile Home Electrical Services in San Jose

    Research Local Reviews

    When you are in the process of hiring a new electrician to perform services around your mobile home park, you will want to find a contractor who comes with great reviews from past customers. Before you settle on hiring an electrician, consider consulting the contractor’s reviews from former clients. An electrician that comes with top ratings will dedicate the time and energy that is needed to make sure that your park’s electrical system is running correctly.

    Consult With Other Park Managers

    Chances are that there are several mobile home parks located around your city or county. If you are seeking an electrician that has experience working with mobile homes, consider consulting with the other park managers who live and work in your area. By talking with other professionals who work in the field, you will be able to get a great recommendation for an honest and affordable electrician.

    Consider Your Maintenance Needs

    Mobile home parks often require specialized services that are unique to the facility. As you are hiring your next mobile home park electrician, seek out a contractor who specializes in the types of maintenance services and repairs that are required for your park. From pedestal repair to substation maintenance, your park’s electrician can provide your mobile home facility with a wide range of services. Your electrician can also identify potential problem areas that may be in need of electrical upgrades.

  • Electrical Safety Tips for Older Homes

    If you live in an older home, you may want to schedule preventative maintenance services with an electrician serving San Jose . In this video, you will receive some essential suggestions that will help you to avoid electrical safety problems in your older house. To prevent a fire in your home’s electrical system, take the time to update your electrical panel and replace outdated electrical wiring.

    Whether you have been living in your historic home for years, or you are thinking of purchasing an older residence, a local electrician can help you to make sure that your electrical system is safe for daily use. Rather than attempting to repair your electrical panel on your own, you should always trust this type of service to the professionals.